Thursday, May 29, 2008

Humble Beginings

So this is our borrowed garden space. Our yard is in the process of being dug up so my mother-in-law generously offered us some space big thanks to her because I'm not sure who was going to crack first, me or DH. I can see it now, "Mother and Father of 6, picked up by police for trespassing in a neighbors garden. Mother told police 'I only wanted to touch the tomato plants. I wasn't going to steal them. I just wanted to make sure they were staked right and had plenty of water'. Father was found hoeing between the rows, saying, 'well I notice there was some bad weeds growing there and I just had to do something. I mean really what kind of person would allow that? I'm not a hero, just a simple man trying to save one garden at a time'. "

So we now have green onions, radishes, kohlrabi, beets, tomato plants, zucchini's, cucumbers,and bush beans. Ah now that itch is scratched I can't wait to see how thing grow.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Vermicomposting: Composting with worms

So I found this great beginers link to worm composting our kitchen scraps.
Getting Started:
1. a container
2. bedding
3. water
4. worms
5. nonfatty kitchen scraps
Very simply put but detailed info on diffenrnt contains and how to know what's right for you and your family or situation. Different kinds of bedding. What kind of worms and why ect., ect.
So we'll see if I can add this to my homesteading adventure.