Thursday, May 29, 2008

Humble Beginings

So this is our borrowed garden space. Our yard is in the process of being dug up so my mother-in-law generously offered us some space big thanks to her because I'm not sure who was going to crack first, me or DH. I can see it now, "Mother and Father of 6, picked up by police for trespassing in a neighbors garden. Mother told police 'I only wanted to touch the tomato plants. I wasn't going to steal them. I just wanted to make sure they were staked right and had plenty of water'. Father was found hoeing between the rows, saying, 'well I notice there was some bad weeds growing there and I just had to do something. I mean really what kind of person would allow that? I'm not a hero, just a simple man trying to save one garden at a time'. "

So we now have green onions, radishes, kohlrabi, beets, tomato plants, zucchini's, cucumbers,and bush beans. Ah now that itch is scratched I can't wait to see how thing grow.

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